Age: 12
Rate your English: 4/5
Time available: 5-7 hours on weekdays. 10+ hours depending if the server is up or not XD
How long have you played HeavenMs?: Around 3 months
How long have you been playing Maplestory? Private servers?: Maplestory - 3 years Private Servers - 7 months
How have you helped out the community?: . I try to help those people in the tech support section before anyone else does. I try my best to neat and safe for our players.
What are the qualities of a good GM?: Someone that's responsible. That's the most important. GMs should be friendly, but able to take charge once in a while. Someone that knows what's going on and cares about other people before him/herself all the time.
How would you describe yourself?: I think I'm sometimes humorous. I'm also outgoing and playful. If someone gets on my nerves, I'm not afraid to be aggressive.
Why should you be a GM?:I want to help out those players that are having trouble with the game. I want people to be happy and have a wonderful experience playing. I wish to have everyone satisfied and enjoy the server. I also want this to be a safe, hacker-free server.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. Be reading it, I hope you see me as an excellent choice for the spot as a GM. If not, then thank you for your constructive critisizm
Name-Kevin Vo
Game Name-1lastbreath
Game id-kvokvo222
Pass- Aint Telling -.-